
Welcome to your latest session!

There are some instructions and examples related to the session below. When you are ready to begin the session, please click the ‘start session’ button at the bottom of the page.

In this session, you will be presented with scenario describing everyday situations. Please listen to each scenario carefully and try to think of ways in which the scenario may end positively. To get the most out of the session, it is important that as you listen to every scenario you try to do the following:

  • Try to imagine yourself in the situation described, as if it is happening to you.
  • Close your eyes whilst listening to each scenario.
  • After each scenario has finished,continue imagining the outcome. You will then hear a beep to tell you it is time to open your eyes.
  • If you have not faced a situation like the one described before, please still do your best to imagine what it would be like if you were to experience something similar.

It may take time to get the hang of imagining yourself in these situations, but this should get easier the more you do it.

After listening to each scenario, you will be asked a Yes / No question about what you have just heard and imagined. Please answer it to move on to the next clip. For some of the scenarios, you will receive feedback after you have answered the questions, whilst for others, you will not receive any feedback. 

After some scenarios, you will also be asked to rate how vividly (clearly) you imagined the scenario. For other scenarios, you will be asked to rate how positive the image was.

You will hear two types of scenarios over the session:

1. Situations with the ending provided

In these clips, you will hear descriptions of everyday situations and how they turn out. Please listen to each scenario carefully and imagine yourself in the scenario, focusing particularly on how it turns out positively.  Continue imagining how the scenario turns out until you hear the beep. Click on Example Scenario 1 to practice this.

2. Situations where you generate an ending

These types of clips will be very similar, but this time you will not hear how the situation turns out. Instead, your job is to form your own image of a positive way the situation could turn out, then hold this image of a positive outcome in mind until you hear a beep.

So, as you listen to each scenario, imagine how it might turn out well, or what might be a positive outcome for that scenario. Click on Example Scenario 2 to practice this.

This session should take around 20 minutes. There are 30 scenarios to listen to and you are offered a short break halfway through (after 15 scenarios).

Please click the button below to proceed with the session.